What is Our Vision?
The aim of SponsorBowls is simple. To help connect bowls clubs with sponsors for a mutually beneficial relationship.
Maintaining a bowls club is a costly endeavour, and many clubs would benefit a great deal from additional income in the form of sponsorship.
As an activity, bowls is incredibly beneficial. It is a sport that can be enjoyed by anyone, from the very young to the very old. It offers community, social, physical and mental benefits and can strongly contribute to wellbeing.
At SponsorBowls, we want to help bowls clubs unlock additional funding that can help them to keep providing a valuable service to the local community.
For Sponsors, you gain the opportunity to advertise your business to members of your local community (or further afield if you choose!). You can be seen to be supporting a key community group and contributing to wellbeing within your area.
In addition to reaching new customers, you can also promote your sponsorship to existing and prospective customers to enhance your business profile.
Why the Waitlist?
We've got an ambitious vision at SponsorBowls and we're hopeful that Bowls Clubs and Sponsors alike will see the benefits our site has to offer.
However, creating the site that we have planned will take significant time and effort, and we want to be sure that those who stand to benefit from the site are on board with the idea first.
If you're a bowls club or a prospective sponsor, please hit the 'Join the Waitlist' button to let us know your interest.
Once we can see that the demand is there for this platform, we can get to work!
Ready to Get Started?
Join our growing network of bowls clubs and sponsors. Create meaningful partnerships that benefit everyone.
Join the Waitlist